Number One Allotment
Number One Allotment is a safe place where people with learning disabilities can grow vegetables, fruit and flowers with the help of experienced gardeners.

Number One Allotment is an organic gardening project for adults with learning and physical disabilities living in the London Borough of Hounslow. Clients are able to learn gardening skills and grow fresh fruit and vegetables for themselves and their families, thereby gaining self-confidence and a sense of achievement.
The project is based at the Duke's Meadows Allotments, a large open site close to Chiswick House and the River Thames, where the gardening team cultivate several adjacent plots. The project is organised by the Number One Allotment Chiswick Trust (NOACT), a small charity formed by allotment gardeners to enable adults with learning disabilities reap the benefits of community gardening.
Volunteer gardeners work closely with the clients helping and encouraging them to tackle the many tasks involved in growing allotment produce. The clients come every week to the allotment and develop a strong social connection with the team.